Payment outcome notification
If credit card details are entered correctly by the cardholder, payment is processed and the Merchant receives a notification about the payment outcome. The notification is made through HTTP posts in NVP (NameValue Pair) format on the url specified in the responseToMerchantUrl parameter.
The securityToken is, among the various passed-in-post parameters, a security quantity generated by the payment Gateway and notified to the Merchant both upon initialisation response, and upon outcome notification; for security purposes, it is recommended to make sure that the value of the securityToken received corresponds with anything received during initialisation.
In order to redirect the web session of the cardholder to a new page containing the transaction
outcome, the Merchant must reply to the notification message which was newly received with the url of its outcome page containing the 'paymentid' as parameter. This url may
be enriched with parameters to be able to display the outcome correctly.
The response to the notification should be in "Plain text" format.
PAY ATTENTION: the response must not contain HTML code.
Upon notice of a hosted payment to the merchant URL response, once the connection has started, our services wait for 20 seconds to receive the final URL for the redirection. At the end of the timeout, the socket is closed.
In case the response URLs a self-signed certificate or issued by a secondary CA, you need to contact the support service.
Should the notification of the url for holder redirection fail (unavailability of the responseToMerchantUrl page, invalid content of the responseToMerchantUrl page, response timeout or the certificate is not recognized) the cardholder will be redirected to the recoveryUrl page, which is notified by the Merchant through the appropriate parameter of the Initialisation message. If the recoveryUrl parameter was not filled in in, the cardholder will be redirected to a courtesy page.
By the detail page of the transaction, from the Back-Office portal, you can see errors with notification of its causal.
Example of payment outcome message
Parameters of HTTP message for the card payment outcome notification
NAME | DESCRIPTION | FORMAT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameters of HTTP message for the MyBank payment outcome notification
MyBank protocol, defined by the EBA consortium, provides that the response to the Merchant will be sent only after the Payer (Account Holder) has returned from the bank page he chose to make the transfer. In cases where the Payer does not return from the Bank's own page and then terminates the payment process as by protocol, the gateway offers the possibility, through the inquiry tool, to know at any time the status of the transaction. MyBank integration is subject to certification and therefore adheres to the EBA consortium protocol.
NAME | DESCRIPTION | FORMAT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MyBank transactions automatic update
All MyBank payments assume PENDING status (on Nexi systems) waiting for the Bank to receive the outcome of the credit transfer. The payer has 15 minutes, from the beginning of the transaction, to confirm the credit transfer. Beyond this limit, the payment status will be set to TIMEOUT by the Bank.
Be set to TIMEOUT by the Bank. If the credit transfer is authorised (AUTHORISED) or denied (ERROR) by the Bank or cancelled (AUTHORISINGPARTYABORTED) by the payer on the homebanking page, the status will be updated accordingly.
When the payer does not reach or does not return from the page of the Bank, the status will remain PENDING on Nexi systems, but Merchant will not receive any notification. An automatic batch updates every 8 minutes, questioning MyBank services, the status of any pending payments. Update the status of pending payments is possible at any time through the service inquirymybank.
*Payment may assume the CANCELED status in the following scenarios:
- Whether associating a final status to a payment is not possible (batch update, the Merchant will not receive any notification)
- Whether the payer should leave the session before choosing the Bank (batch update, the Merchant will not receive any notification)
- Whether the payer should click "Cancel Transaction" from the choose Bank page (The Merchant will receive appropriate notification)
Parameters of HTTP message for the PayPal payment outcome notification
NAME | DESCRIPTION | FORMAT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||