Bancomat Pay
Bancomat Pay is the digital service of BANCOMAT S.p.A. to pay simply, quickly and securely via smartphone.
To make this payment method available on the checkout page, it is necessary to request it during the contract subscription phase with Nexi.
Payment with Bancomat Pay is compatible and follows the specifications of the following integration methods:
Below is a summary table of the compatibility and potential limitations of the payment method with the services provided by the XPay gateway:
Countries | Italy |
Minimum amount | 0,01 |
Maximum amount | No limit |
Payment | Yes |
Card verification | No |
Preauthorization | No |
Maximum preauthorization period | |
Implicit capture | Yes |
Explicit capture | No |
Maximum explicit capture period | |
Recurring | No |
OneClick | Yes |
Full refund | Yes |
Partial refund | Yes |
Multiple partial refunds | Yes |
Maximum refund deadline | 365 days |